ChP<0931> Apparatus 5 (rotating cylinder)


Rotating cylinder

Upper part 

Top hole diameter: 11.11mm±0.20mm 

Bottom hole diameter: 11.11mm±0.20mm 

Height: 11.12mm 

Top hole and bottom hole surfaces at an angle of: 63.5°±0.5°


Lower part 

Diameter: 44.50mm±0.20mm 

Inner diameter:42.69mm-42.70mm 

Height: 50.79m (or 144.62mm) 

Material: stainless steel 

Wall thickness: 1.78mm


The stainless steel rotating cylinder apparatus replaces the stirring paddle, and other apparatus requirements are the same as those of Apparatus 2 (paddle apparatus) in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China.






Rotating cylinder

Upper part 

Top hole diameter: 11.11mm±0.20mm 

Bottom hole diameter: 11.11mm±0.20mm 

Height: 11.12mm 

Top hole and bottom hole surfaces at an angle of: 63.5°±0.5°


Lower part 

Diameter: 44.50mm±0.20mm 

Inner diameter:42.69mm-42.70mm 

Height: 50.79m (or 144.62mm) 

Material: stainless steel 

Wall thickness: 1.78mm


The stainless steel rotating cylinder apparatus replaces the stirring paddle, and other apparatus requirements are the same as those of USP<724>APPARATUS 2.

Apparatus 6 (Cylinder)
Use the vessel assembly as described in Dissolution á711ñ, Apparatus, Apparatus 1 (Basket Apparatus), except replace the basket and shaft with a stainless steel cylinder stirring element with the specifications shown in Figure 3. This cylinder stirring element is composed of two parts, one comprising the shaft and the upper cylinder, and the other being the extension cylinder.
Since both parts are serially numbered, it is recommended that they be kept paired because the friction fitting is done individually for each cylinder, allowing a very tight fit. The distance between the inside bottom of the vessel and the cylinder is maintained at 25 ± 2 mm during the test.
Figure 3. Cylinder stirring element.
(All measurements are expressed in cm unless noted otherwise.)
See Dissolution Medium in Dissolution á711ñ, Procedure, Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2, Immediate-Release Dosage Forms.
Place the stated volume of Medium in the vessel, and equilibrate to 32 ± 0.5°.
Apply the TDS to the cylinder, assuring that the release surface is as smooth as possible and the TDS is completely and firmly attached to the cylinder. The TDS, with release side facing the Medium, may be attached to the cylinder by an appropriate and validated procedure such as use of an adhesive, double-face adhesive tape, membrane, or nylon net. Care must be taken to avoid the presence of air bubbles between the membrane, if used, and the TDS, or the presence of wrinkles on the surface of the TDS. Carefully remove the protective liner from the TDS without causing damage to the surface. If additional reinforcement of the TDS to the cylinder is needed, inert metal wire or a polymer ring may be used.
Place the cylinder in the apparatus, and immediately rotate at the rate specified in the individual monograph. The vessel may be covered during the test to minimize evaporation.
At each sampling time interval, withdraw a specimen from a zone midway between the surface of the Medium and the top of the rotating cylinder, not less than 1 cm from the vessel wall.
Perform the analysis on each sample aliquot as directed in the individual monograph, correcting for any volume losses, as necessary. Repeat the test with additional TDS, as needed.
The test time points, at least three, are expressed in hours. Specimens are to be withdrawn within a tolerance of ±15 min or ±2% of the stated time, selecting the tolerance that results in the narrowest time interval.
Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, the requirements are met if the quantities of active ingredient released from the system conform to Acceptance Table 1 above. Continue testing through the three levels unless the results conform at either L1 or L2.
EP <2.9.4> APPARATUS 3


Rotating cylinder

Upper part 

Top hole diameter: 11.11mm±0.20mm 

Bottom hole diameter: 11.11mm±0.20mm 

Height: 11.12mm 

Top hole and bottom hole surfaces at an angle of: 63.5°±0.5°


Lower part 

Diameter: 44.50mm±0.20mm 

Inner diameter:42.69mm-42.70mm 

Height: 50.79m (or 144.62mm) 

Material: stainless steel 

Wall thickness: 1.78mm


The stainless steel rotating cylinder apparatus replaces the stirring paddle, and other apparatus requirements are the same as those of EP<293>APPARATUS 2.



Equipment. Use the assembly of the paddle apparatusdescribed in the dissolution test for solid oral dosage forms(2.9.3). Replace the paddle and shaft with a stainless steelcylinder stirring element (cylinder) (see Figure 2.9.4.-5). Thepatch is placed on the cylinder at the beginning of each test.The distance between the inside bottom of the vessel and thecylinder is maintained at 25 + 2 mm during the test. Thetemperature is maintained at 32 + 0.5 ·C. The vessel is coveredduring the test to minimise evaporation.Procedure. Place the prescribed volume of the dissolutionmedium in the vessel and equilibrate the medium to theprescribed temperature. Remove the protective liner fromthe patch and place the adhesive side on a piece of suitableinert porous membrane that is at least l cm larger on allsides than the patch. Place the patch on a clean surface withthe membrane in contact with this surface. Two systems foradhesion to the cylinder may be used:

apply a suitable adhesive to the exposed membrane bordersand, if necessary, to the back of the patch,

apply a double-sided adhesive tape to the external wall ofthe cylinder.

Using gentle pressure, carefully apply the non-adhesive sideof the patch to the cylinder, so that the release surface is incontact with the dissolution medium and the long axis of thepatch fits around the circumference of the cylinder.The system for adhesion used is previously tested for absenceof interference with the assay and of adsorption of the activeingredient(s).

Place the cylinder in the apparatus, and immediately rotate thecylinder at 100 r/min, for example. At determined intervals,withdraw a sample of dissolution medium from a zonemidway between the surface of the dissolution medium andthe top of the rotating cylinder, and not less than l cm fromthe vessel wall.

Perform the assay on each sample as directed in the individualmonograph, correcting for any volume withdrawn, asnecessary. Repeat the test with additional patches.

Interpretation. The requirements are met if the quantity ofactive ingredient(s) released from the patch, expressed as theamount per surface area per time unit, is within the prescribedlimits at the defined sampling times.