ChP<0931> Apparatus 4 (paddle over disc)



Method 1 

1.Upper layer of disc: Screen opening: 2.0mmx2.0mm 

Disc thickness: 3.0mm 

Distance from disc to paddle bottom: 25.0mm 

Disc diameter: 80mm/86mm/92mm 

2.Lower layer of disc: 

Screen opening: 2.0mmx2.0mm 

Disc thickness: 3.0mm 

Disc diameter: 80mm/86mm/92mm


Method 2 

Disc diameter: 41.2mm 

Disc thickness: 3.3mm 

Distance from disc to paddle bottom: 25.0mm±2.0mm

Other apparatus requirements are the same as those of Apparatus 2 (paddle apparatus) in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China.



  方法1  搅拌桨、溶出杯按第二法,溶出杯中放入用于放置贴片的不锈钢网碟(图5)。网碟装置见图6

方法2  除将方法1的网碟换成图7所示的网碟外,其他装置和要求与方法1相同。





Method 1 

Mesh screen diameter/observation glass: 90mm 

Disc thickness: 3.3mm 

Distance from disc to paddle bottom: 25.0mm±2.0mm


Method 2 

Disc diameter: 41.2mm 

Disc thickness: 3.3mm 

Method 3 

Wire mesh screen dimension unknown 

Material: made of stainless steel or other inert material

Other apparatus requirements are the same as those of USP<711> APPARATUS 2.

Apparatus 5 (Paddle over Disk)
Use the paddle and vessel assembly from Apparatus 2 as described in Dissolution á711ñ, with the addition of a disk assembly designed to hold the TDS at the bottom of the vessel. This disk assembly is designed to minimize any “dead” volume between the assembly and the bottom of the vessel. The disk assembly holds the TDS flat and is positioned such that the release surface is parallel with the bottom of the paddle blade (see Figure 1a, Figure 1b, and Figure 1c). A distance of 25 ± 2 mm between the paddle blade and the surface of the disk assembly is maintained during the test. Other appropriate devices may be used (see Figure 2), provided they do not sorb, react with, or interfere with the specimen being tested.
Proceed as directed for Apparatus 2 in Dissolution á711ñ, Apparatus Suitability, Performance Verification Test, Apparatus 1 and 2.
Proceed as directed for Dissolution Medium in Dissolution á711ñ, Procedure, Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2, Immediate-Release Dosage Forms.
Place the stated volume of Medium in the vessel, and equilibrate to 32 ± 0.5°.
Apply the TDS to the disk assembly, assuring that the release surface is as smooth as possible and the TDS is completely and firmly attached to the disk. The TDS, with release surface side up, may be attached to the disk by an appropriate and validated procedure such as use of an adhesive, double-face adhesive tape, screen, or membrane. Care must be taken to avoid the presence of air bubbles between the membrane, if used, and the TDS, or the presence of wrinkles on the surface of the TDS. Carefully remove the protective liner from the TDS without causing damage to the surface of the TDS.
Place the disk assembly flat at the bottom of the vessel with the release surface facing up and parallel to the edge of the paddle blade and surface of the Medium. Ensure that the surface of the TDS is devoid of air bubbles. The bottom edge of the paddle is 25 ± 2 mm from the surface of the disk assembly. The vessel may be covered during the test to minimize evaporation.
Immediately operate the apparatus at the rate specified in the monograph.
At each sampling time interval, withdraw a specimen from a zone midway between the surface of the Medium and the top of the blade, not less than 1 cm from the vessel wall.
Perform the analysis on each sample aliquot as directed in the individual monograph, correcting for any volume losses, as necessary. Repeat the test with additional TDS as needed.
The test time points, at least three, are expressed in hours. Specimens are to be withdrawn within a tolerance of ±15 min or ±2% of the stated time, selecting the tolerance that results in the narrowest time interval.
Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, the requirements are met if the quantities of active ingredient released from the system conform to Acceptance Table 1 below. Continue testing through the three levels unless the results conform at either L1 or L2.
EP <2.9.4> APPARATUS 1-2



Method I Extraction cell 

Cover height: 8.5 mm Inner diameter: 50mm 

Area: 19.63cm2

 (The following diameters may be adopted: 20mm, 32mm, 40mm,50mm, which correspond to the following areas respectively: 3.14, 8.03, 12.56, 19.63 cm2) 

Storage cell height: 8.5mm Inner diameter: 52mm 

Area: 21.23cm2


(The following diameters may be adopted:27mm, 38mm, 45mm, 52mm, which correspond to the following volumes respectively: 1.48 mL, 2.94 mL, 4.13 mL, 5.52ml) 

Distance from disc to paddle bottom: 25.0mm±2.0mm 

Method 2 Disc assembly method 

Disc diameter: 41.2mm 

Disc thickness: 3.3mm 

Distance from disc to paddle bottom: 25.0mm±2.0mm

Other apparatus requirements are the same as those of EP<2.9.3> APPARATUS 2.



This test is used to determine the dissolution rate of the activeingredients of transdermal patches.


Equipment. Use the paddle and vessel assembly from thepaddle apparatus described in the dissolution test for solidoral dosage forms (2.9.3) with the addition of a stainless steeldisk assembly (SSDA) in the form of a net with an aperture of125 um (see Figure 2.9.4.-1).

The SSDA holds the system at the bottom of the vessel and isdesigned to minimise any dead volume between the SSDA andthe bottom of the vessel. The SSDA holds the patch flat, withthe release surface uppermost and parallel to the bottom of thepaddle blade. A distance of 25 + 2 mm between the bottom ofthe paddle blade and the surface of the SSDA is maintainedduring the test (see Figure 2.9.4.-2). The temperature ismaintained at 32 + 0.5 C. The vessel may be covered duringthe test to minimise evaporation.

Procedure. Place the prescribed volume of the dissolutionmedium in the vessel and equilibrate the medium to theprescribed temperature. Apply the patch to the SSDA,ensuring that the release surface of the patch is as flat aspossible. The patch may be attached to the SSDA by aprescribed adhesive or by a strip of a double-sided adhesivetape. The adhesive or tape are previously tested for the absenceof interference with the assay and of adsorption of the activeingredient(s). Press the patch, release surface facing up, ontothe side of the SSDA made adhesive. The applied patch mustnot overlap the borders of the SSDA. For this purpose andprovided that the preparation is homogeneous and uniformlyspread on the outer covering, an appropriate and exactlymeasured piece of the patch may be cut and used for testingthe dissolution rate. This procedure may also be necessaryto achieve appropriate sink conditions. This procedure mustnot be applied to membrane-type patches. Place the patchmounted on the SSDA flat at the bottom of the vessel withthe release surface facing upwards. Immediately rotate thepaddle at 100 r/min, for example. At predetermined intervals,withdraw a sample from the zone midway between the surfaceof the dissolution medium and the top of the blade, not lessthan 1 cm from the vessel wall.Perform the assay on each sample, correcting for any volumelosses, as necessary. Repeat the test with additional patches.


Equipment. Use the paddle and vessel assembly from thepaddle apparatus described in the dissolution test for solidoral dosage forms (2.9.3) with the addition of the extractioncell (cell).

The cell is made of chemically inert materials and consists ofa support, a cover and, if necessary, a membrane placed onthe patch to isolate it from the medium that may modify oradversely affect the physico-chemical properties of the patch(see Figure 2.9.4.-3).

Support. The central part of the support forms a cavityintended to hold the patch. The cavity has a depth of 2.6 mmand a diameter that is appropriate to the size of the patch to be examined. The following diameters can be used: 27 mm,38 mm, 45 mm, 52 mm, corresponding to volumes of 1.48 mL,2.94 mL, 4.13 mL, 5.52 mL, respectively.Cover. The cover has a central opening with a diameterselected according to the size of the patch to be examined.The patch can thus be precisely centred, and its releasingsurface limited. The following diameters may be used: 20 mm,32 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm corresponding to areas of 3.14 cm”,8.03 cm?, 12.56 cm, 19.63 cm?, respectively. The cover isheld in place by nuts screwed onto bolts projecting from thesupport. The cover is sealed to the support by a rubber ringset on the reservoir.

Extraction cell. The cell holds the patch flat, with the releasesurface uppermost and parallel to the bottom of the paddleblade. A distance of 25 + 2 mm is maintained between thepaddle blade and the surface ofthe patch (see Figure 2.9.4.-4).The temperature is maintained at 32 + 0.5 ·C. The vessel maybe covered during the test to minimise evaporation.Procedure. Place the prescribed volume of the dissolutionmedium in the vessel and equilibrate the medium to theprescribed temperature. Precisely centre the patch in thecell with the releasing surface uppermost. Close the cell, ifnecessary applying a hydrophobic substance (for example,petrolatum) to the flat surfaces to ensure the seal, and ensurethat the patch stays in place. Introduce the cell flat intothe bottom of the vessel with the cover facing upwards.Immediately rotate the paddle, at 100 r/min for example. Atpredetermined intervals, withdraw a sample from the zonemidway between the surface of the dissolution medium andthe top of the paddle blade, not less than  cm from the vesselwall.

Perform the assay on each sample, correcting for any volumelosses, as necessary. Repeat the test with additional patches.